Upward Call
4 min readDec 29, 2020


It is going to be alright..

This morning’s reading is in the book of Jeremiah Chapter 1. In all of my previous reading of this chapter, my heart was constantly drawn to the grandeur of Jeremiah’s calling. How he was told by God Himself that God had known Him even before he was born. How at a young age he was called by God to do a great task- to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant. The extent of Jeremiah’s influence is huge. For God appointed him over nations and over the kingdoms. Not to mention him being the spokesperson of God to men. All these things have captured my attention all throughout my walk with God..EXCEPT TODAY.

While reading God’s word this morning I got to behold God and see more clearly His attribute. I got to see how He knows every individual even before birth. How He knows every single one of us before any one is even formed in the womb. He has seen us and He has known us. This truth was also reflected in the Psalm that King David of Israel wrote. Psalm 139 verses 13 through 16. It was written —

For You formed my inward parts;

You wove me in my mother’s womb.

My frame was not hidden from You,

When I was made in secret,

And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;

Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;

God saw us prior our formation in the womb. Even before our own parents saw us or knew us God already did. God knew us prior our conception. Every single one of us. (That this truth demolishes the lie that we are a result of random clashing of particles.) I realize that even before me and my husband saw our children God already saw them and knew them. What an amazing and powerful truth..

And it is not only that God has known us before our formation in the womb. In the very same Psalm it was written something noteworthy. God has a book where the days ordained for us are written when as yet there was not one of them.

And in Your book were all written

The days that were ordained for me,

When as yet there was not one of them.

While writing these I suddenly realize what the Spirit of God has placed right in front of anyone reading the Bible. I am beholding the omniscience of God in these very pages of the book of Jeremiah and Psalms. How He is the only One that is all-knowing. How He sees the details of our lives. Every day spent. Every moment lived. Every trial. Every challenge. Every triumph. Every achievement. Every deed. Every word. Every thought. Every motivation. Every intent. He sees the external and the internal. And all are written. He sees and knows all the affairs on earth in all history. And this is why He is the only One who can judge justly.

He has established His omniscience the first part of the chapter right before my very eyes. And so reading towards His instructions to Jeremiah, I can only say to myself, “He knows what He is doing. God knows what He is doing.” I now understand why the plucking up and breaking down, the destroying and the overthrowing, the building and the planting. And it is simply because God sees and knows every one and every thing on earth. And He is personally watching over His word being fulfilled — accomplished.

Behold the God of the Bible. Behold His omniscience — how He sees and knows everything. Behold how He Himself watch over the fulfillment of His word. Behold the God who sent His only begotten Son — Jesus Christ. That whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. Behold God who knows you and me. Who sees our lives and all that is in there. See how He has given us His word so that we will not run after empty things of the world. But through His word with the illumination of the Holy Spirit we would know Him and we would know how to live out our lives holy, pleasing, and acceptable before Him. Behold the true and living God. He sees you. He sees me.

I hope that in reading this truth again we find confidence in our souls that whatever come our way this coming 2021, as we faithfully and wholeheartedly follow God, IT IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. God sees everything. He knows what He is doing.

May His blessing of wisdom and discernment be with you and your family.



Upward Call

I write. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.