Late Night Reflection

Upward Call
3 min readJul 29, 2023


11:35pm | Meditating on the truth excellently presented by a faithful teacher of the Word of God, I realize I had it all wrong. Every time I come across this familiar verse, prior this moment, I was thinking of it the wrong way. I had to write it down —

And Jesus heard them, he spoke unto them, “Those who being strong [ἰσχύοντες] they have no need for a physician but those who are evil [κακῶς]: I came not to call the righteous but sinners.” Mark 2:17

Jesus was walking along the sea, teaching truth to the crowd who followed Him. As He went along He saw Levi son of Halpaiou. Levi held a position in the tax office. Jesus said to Levi, “Follow Me.” And immediately Levi rose up and followed Jesus. Then Jesus and Levi, together with the many tax collectors and sinners were eating and drinking together at a house. And when the scribes and Pharisees beheld Jesus eating with the tax collectors and sinners they asked,

“How is it that this one eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners?”

It is to this question that Jesus gave the answer —

And Jesus heard them, he spoke unto them, “Those who being strong [ἰσχύοντες] they have no need for a physician but those who are evil [κακῶς]: I came not to call the righteous but sinners.” Mark 2:17

I had it all wrong. I always thought that Jesus was referring to the scribes and Pharisees as the ones who are strong or capable of doing good; while referring to the sinners and tax collectors as the ones who are evil. I always thought that the text was implying that the scribes and the Pharisees have no need for a physician. The error in my thinking is that I failed to see that everyone — all groups represented there — the tax collectors, the sinners, the scribes and the Pharisees — they were all the ones that are evil. Simply because, in light of the Torah or the Law of God given to Moses, none of them was strong and capable of living it out perfectly. Therefore all of them were evil in the sight of the Lord. Each and every single one of them was a sinner in need of Messiah.

The Lord’s answer was in fact an invitation to the scribes and Pharisees to examine themselves and realize that they, too, were in need of a physician. But because of their pride they were not able to respond good.

When this truth was illuminated in my heart, I remember the countless times this verse was used in a wrong way. It was made to be a defense to associate with sinners “of a certain kind”. But the truth is, this verse has been and will always be the LORD’s invitation to all — to each and every sinner. His invitation to come to Him. Dine with Him. Hear His truth. Repent from wicked ways. Believe in Him and be saved. During that time in the sea, this was His invitation not just to the sinners and tax collectors but also to the scribes and Pharisees. This was His invitation to them to draw near Him. For as much as He loves the tax collectors and sinners, He also loves the scribes and the Pharisees for they were all sinners in need of the Savior. Today and the days to come, this verse is still His invitation to every single soul. For all of us have sinned and fallen short. Indeed, we are all sinners in need of the Savior.

This piece has lots of rough edges but that’s alright. I just really wanted to write it down while the revelation burns in my heart. May you find benefit in reading this and be blessed by the precious truth of God’s word. The Lord Jesus be praised.



Upward Call

I write. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.