Pain is because sin is

Upward Call
3 min readJul 28, 2023

I think pain is here to remind us that something is not right. That something is not in its proper order. And that thing is not where it should be. We are in a great deal of pain whether we admit it or not. But somehow, this pain is left untreated and unattended because it’s easier to be amused and entertained than to sit down and face it. We got so used to quick fixes, to instant relief, to prescription medicines that we fail to develop the ability to press through the pain, find its root, and deal with it. Social media, doom scrolling, live streaming, shopping, movie marathon, “being out there”, even “good works” are far easier paths to take.

Pain can get overwhelming. For it lodges deep within our soul. Deep enough to drown us. Dark enough to scare us. Pain is heavy. It is crushing. And we are fortunate that we can still find ourselves breathing. The simple truth is, “pain is because sin is.” Pain is present because sin is present. Sin produces pain. This is the truth that we need to accept if are to start our journey to heal. At times, it is our own sin that brings us pain. Other times, it is the sin of others that inflicts pain on us. Either way, pain is because sin is.

The Lord Jesus, He knows this. He not only knows this, He experienced pain far beyond what our mind can comprehend and what our body can be subjected to. And He experienced pain not because He sinned. Far be it. The Lord Jesus is sinless. He experienced pain because He bore our sin and the sin of everyone who ever lived and will ever live. He took it to the cross. He suffered the full wrath of God because of it. And He won the victory over it when He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven.

Perhaps what I am trying to say is if we allow ourselves to press through the pain, find its root, we would realize that drugs, positive thinking, positive speaking cannot remove it. Even us, we cannot remove it by ourselves. But I know the One who can — and His name is Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ — Son of the Living God. He has done it for countless people before. He is still doing it now. And He will continue doing it for those who call upon His name. He is the only One who can take away our pain. For He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was on Him. And by His wounds we are healed.

This is truth. What we do with this truth is up to each of us. Nevertheless, I would humbly urge you, press through the pain, find its root, and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. For my desire is for your to be healed. My desire is for you to be forgiven of sin. More than these things, I desire for you abundant and eternal life in Christ.



Upward Call

I write. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.