Upward Call
3 min readDec 10, 2020



To the one whom the LORD is seeking,

It was 70 years in captivity.
Israel lived years away from home.
Living in a land not their own.
Under the rule of foreign kings.
Their disobedience got them there.
Their willful sinning brought them calamity.
They had been warned by the messengers of God--
the faithful prophets who proclaimed the word of God.
The prophets, their hearts were to turn Israel back to LORD and away from waywardness, away from lawlessness.
Their message was that of repentance and obedience.
Repentance of their sin before God Most High.
Obedience to His law. To His oracles. To His commandments.
Obedience and faithfulness to Him.
But the lure of passions were thrown at Israel.
They followed their appetites.
Distorted the word of God for their own gain.
Bowed down before other gods.
Violated the laws of God at every turn.
Their professed love and devotion to God was empty.
It was as fleeting as the morning mist.
For Israel has gone his own way.

It was 70 years in captivity.
Israel lived in exile.
THEN GOD stirred the spirit of the king of Persia.
Cyrus proclaimed,
‘The Lord, the God of heaven,
has given me all the kingdoms of the earth
and He has appointed me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
Whoever there is among you of all His people,
may his God be with him!
Let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah
and rebuild the house of the Lord, the God of Israel;
He is the God who is in Jerusalem.
Every survivor, at whatever place he may live,
let the men of that place support him with silver and gold,
with goods and cattle,
together with a freewill offering for the house of God which is in Jerusalem.’”

Cyrus proclaimed this and had it written.
What a marvelous thing to behold!
The word of the Lord was heeded by a gentile king.

THEN GOD stirred the spirit of His people--
"the heads of fathers’ households of Judah and Benjamin and the priests and the Levites arose,"
They made ready to go up and rebuild the house of the Lord in Jerusalem.
The people around themblessed them and supported them.
The favor of God, unmistakable and visible.

It was 70 years in captivity for Israel.
THEN GOD stirred and moved their spirits to make the ascension.
To go up to Jerusalem and rebuild what was broken down.
To once again live as people of God in their home land.
Bowing down before Him.
Keeping His laws in faithful obedience.
Judah and Benjamin took the journey together with the priests and Levites.
All those whose spirits were stirred by the LORD.

How long have you been in captivity?
Away from the fellowship with the Lord.
There is no need to remain in exile-- held captive by sin, past and present.
The Lord Jesus is stirring your spirit so that you, too, can rise up once again and rebuild what was broken.
To take the road of repentance and receive forgiveness.
To live as a child of God.
Treasuring His words in the heart.
Bowing down before Him in worship- unhindered.
It is time to take the journey back to Him.
Will you?



Upward Call

I write. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.